
About Millenning


Millenning is dedicated to provide a revolutionary payment solution to the corporate and individual users through a frictionless conduit to effect cross-border payments at high speed and at low cost.


Millenning provides a user-friendly online platform for both Individual and Corporate users soon, we will also provide a mobile application solution and customised enterprise software solution.

Millenning adopts a zero-tolerance approach against money laundering and terrorism financing. It is established with a strong compliance culture and policy to ensure it does not become a vehicle for money-laundering or terrorism-financing activities.

Millenning prides itself on its character-driven values including integrity in relations, full observance of regulatory compliance, accountability to its investors, respect for every individual, open and honest communication, efficiency and effectiveness in utilising an established and trusted technologies and excellence in innovation through continuous improvement.

Values - ACI

About Millenning

Our Company strongly believes in its obligations to account fully for its activities, accept responsibility for them and to deal with all stakeholders transparently and equitably.

About Millenning

In this age of trust economy, where credibility is everything, our Company spares no effort and cost in establishing its credibility at every stage of its business.

About Millenning

Our Company steadfastly upholds honesty and integrity from all its staff across the board and from all its partners and associates.